Monday 11 November 2019

OK, "OK boomer"

Yours truly was born in early 1950, so I am very definitely a boomer. Unlike many in my age cohort, I am not in the least offended by the ongoing "OK, boomer" meme/putdown. A quick search back through this blog indicates that I have used the term "baby boomer" in at least fifteen posts, almost always to castigate my generation for its avarice and thoughtlessness.  Here's a sample from March 2013:

What a wonderful generation we are!  For years, we've been demanding generous social programmes that we have no intention of paying for, leading governments to pile up debts that future generations will have to pay back.  And now it seems that increasing numbers of us are stiffing our creditors, rather than making any effort to live within our means.
Years ago, I remember hearing, I think from the Chief of one of Canada's First Nations, something to the effect that "the role of government is to represent the future to the present".  Fat chance of that while the baby boomers are in charge. 

There's an old adage that when there's something important to be done, one's choices are either to lead, follow or get out of the way.  I'd respectfully suggest to my fellow boomers that it's time to let younger people lead: we should either follow or get out of the way. A good place to start would be with the passel of geriatrics currently shuffling toward the 2020 US Presidential election -- but I'm not holding my breath, because at my age that's a bit risky.

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