Sunday 8 April 2012

Maybe his boat race* didn't fit

The smirking doofus who disrupted the Oxford-Cambridge boat race on the Thames yesterday -- and nearly got scalped by an Oxford blade for his pains -- has apparently said that he did it to protest against "elitism".

The perp's not-remotely-elitist name is Trenton Oldfield. If that makes you suspect that he maybe wasn't brought up on a sink estate in Peckham, you'd be quite right: he hails from Sydney, Australia, where he was educated at a not-at-all elitist private school.  After that he took a degree at the wholly elitism-free London School of Economics.

Seem to me there's only one question the police need to ask Trenton.  Was it Oxford that rejected your application, or was it Cambridge?

* Cockney rhyming slang, something with which a man of the people like Trenton is no doubt familiar.  "Boat race" = face.  

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