Monday 31 December 2018

No honeymoon for you!

Elizabeth May is the leader of Canada's Green Party and is currently the party's only MP in Ottawa.  She recently announced her engagement to a gent named John Kidder, who happens to be the brother of the Canadian actress Margot Kidder.

Here's a little piece from the Toronto Star about the upcoming nuptials.  As you might expect, May is promising that it will be "a low-carbon wedding".  That's just as well, because if you read the entire story, you'll find that the happy couple recently jetted from Vancouver to Poland to attend a climate conference.  Then they came straight home, right?  Well no, actually -- they hopped another jet down to Sicily for a little private time.  I'm guessing they're not voyaging home from there by sailing ship or rowboat.

Congratulations to Ms May on her engagement -- but she's going to have to stay awfully close to home for a good long time just to get her carbon footprint down to the level of the ordinary folk she aspires to lead.  No exotic honeymoon for you, John and Elizabeth!  And maybe cut back on the four far-flung homes the two of you currently divide your time among.  It's only fair. 

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