Tuesday 11 December 2012

Shock the monkey

No doubt you've seen, in one form or another, the story of the rhesus monkey in a shearling jacket that was found wandering around in the parking lot at Ikea in Toronto.  Although it's illegal to keep one of these creatures as a pet in Ontario, the owner says she wants it back. She (let's call her Ms N.) may put the matter in the hands of a lawyer.

Said lawyer will have to coach Ms N carefully.  This is from the BBC story linked above:

(Ms N) explained that she kept Darwin with her at all times.
"At the beginning, I was told that was the best for him because generally, monkeys live off the back of the mom," she said, adding the monkey would "get into a panic attack" when she was out of sight.
But the next paragraph reveals...
Darwin had been left in a parked car on Sunday, but managed to let himself out. 
So, she knows Darwin suffers from panic attacks and therefore claims that she keeps him with her at all times, but then she leaves him in a car and swans off to walk around Ikea, a trip that can never be made in less than an hour.  Can't imagine why the Ontario Humane Society would have any objections to her getting Darwin back. 

UPDATE, 12 December. Ms N has now given an interview to local TV stations in which she snarls that Darwin "isn't a monkey.  He's my son".  There's little point in commenting on that. 

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