Tuesday 20 April 2010

Whaddaya mean, "we"?

This from Lord Adonis, the improbably named but normally likeable Transport Minister:

"We are maintaining increased capacity for passengers to cross the channel. In total there are an extra 20,000 passenger places a day across Eurostar, Eurotunnel and the ferries."

Oh really? Does the Government actually run any of those things? News to me. In truth, the ferry operators are saying that the two Royal Navy ships deployed to the Channel are completely superfluous; there's plenty of space on the ferries. The ship sent to Spain is bringing some civilians home, but it turns out that the real reason it was sent there in the first place was to bring home some troops on their way back from Afghanistan.

I've got no time at all for the increasingly loud complaints from those stuck abroad that "the Government has let us down". But I've got even less time for Lord Adonis claiming credit where none is due. My mother would have said he deserves the OBE -- "other bugger's efforts".

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