Tuesday 23 March 2010

Taxi for Mr Byers

So three former members of Tony Blair's cabinet -- Stephen Byers, Geoff Hoon and Patricia Hewitt -- have been suspended from the Parliamentary Labour Party in an influence peddling row. Hell guys -- at least the greedmeister himself had the sense and good grace to wait until he was out of office before pimping himself out to anyone with a fat wallet and a private plane. By comparison with Tony's millions, this lot are all so tawdry. Witness Byers' pathetic failure to realise he was being fitted up as he compared himself to a "cab for hire". Maybe he was just trying to say he was happy to work, but not if it meant he had to go south of the river.

Seriously, though, how much better can things get for David Cameron? Government seemingly powerless to do anything about the BA strike, railways and British Gas now facing their own walkouts, sleaze in the Labour ranks, and now the fragrant Mrs Cam announces she's gestating another bairn. Alastair Darling's budget is going to have to be pretty damn special to overcome that little lot.

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