Thursday 1 May 2008

Daily Mail soft on crime!

Well, one sort of crime at least. The paper's front-page headline today is "Milking the motorist". It's not about high fuel prices, as you might expect. The Mail's beef is that 30% of UK motorists will receive either a speeding ticket or a parking fine this year.

Hang on a second, though: for law abiding motorists who don't speed and don't park where they shouldn't, the rate is actually very close to zero. Why is the Mail, usually so hot both on actual crimes and on things that it thinks should be crimes, so forgiving when it comes to motoring offences? I mean, far more people are killed each year in road accidents in the UK, many of them as a result of excess speed, than are killed by the armies of feral youths, out-of-their heads boozers, Islamic militants, Polish migrants and all the rest of the Mail's pantheon of loathing. Apparently the paper will lend its support to any middle-class moan, however ill-advised.

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